Referral Form
Focus Occupational Therapy provides person-centred services to improve function, enable independence and maximise community participation and quality of life. We will work with you to identify goals that are important to you and work collaboratively towards achieving those goals. Since a person's ability to learn, develop and participate occurs in the context of their environment, services are provides within the home and community across Central QLD.
Assistive Technology Assessment
Asssitive techology allows all of us to function and participate to out greatest potential. Focus OT provides expert assessment and prescription of assistive technology for:
  • independent living and personal care
  • access to communication
  • transport and mobility
  • education
  • recreation
  • environmental control
  • safety
Home Modification Assessment
A home environment that meets our needs is essential to our ability to safely live where we choose and maximise independence. Focus OT provides assessment of the home environment and provides recommendations to support function and enable safe home access. Focus OT will work with you to identify home modifications that will make life easier in line with personal preferences and available funding options. Talk to us about the home modification funding available to you.
Life Skills Development
Focus OT will work with you to identify goals and develop the skills to maximise independence in all activities of daily living. Your goals may be as diverse as being able to use a spoon at mealtimes through to living independently or gaining employment.